2025 Custom A7 Faux Leather Weekly Planner Notebook

Pricing Details

Production Time: 20 Working Days
200 $2.25 each
500 $1.72 each
1000 $1.64 each
3000 $1.14 each
5000 $1.10 each
The notepad is small to carry around, which will significantly improve your efficiency and encourage you to have the idea of planning. Fits in the back pocket, shirt pocket, or purse well. It can be used as a traveler's notebook, journal, log book, memo pad, diary notebook, etc. With the little mini notepad, you can quickly write down the inspiration that comes across and keep lists and schedules from time to time. Simply lay the ribbon between the relevant pages, and open the notebook later to the right where you left off.

Normal Production Time
20 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
A7 Faux Leather Weekly Planner Appointment Calendar Planner Notebook

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